
I’d treat you like a snowstorm; give you six to eight inches and make it mildly inconvenient for you to move in the morning.

I’d treat you like a snowstorm; give you six to eight inches and make it mildly inconvenient for you to move in the morning.
I’d treat you like a snowstorm; give you six to eight inches and make it mildly inconvenient for you to move in the morning.

I’d treat you like a snowstorm; give you six to eight inches and make it mildly inconvenient for you to move in the morning.

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Written by cusstionary


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I’d love to see you wearing your birthday suit

I’d love to see you wearing your birthday suit

I’m accepting applications if you want to apply—requirements include your phone number.

I’m accepting applications if you want to apply—requirements include your phone number.